Governance model towards Sustainable Development

Gemadept's governance model towards Sustainable Development is implemented in the form of vertically centralized governance, clearly defining rights and obligations, responsibilities at each level, ensuring management activities to be strict, transparent, proactive and effective.
Roles and responsibilities of the Board of Management, Control Board, Board of Directors and Functional departments for the sustainable development mission
The Board of Directors plays the role of orienting, planning the sustainable development strategy, assigning and supervising the executive apparatus to comply with the set strategy and ensuring the responsibility to submit to the General Meeting of Shareholders for the contents under the decision-making authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The Control Board is responsible for monitoring and controlling operations, compliance with legal regulations, the Company's charter, the implementation of resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, internal control and accountability to the General Meeting of Shareholders for the duties and powers assigned by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The Board of Directors is responsible for operating and effectively implementing the sustainable development strategies outlined by the Board of Management; to implement the plans of the Board of Management within the scope of delegated authority and duties.
Functional departments are responsible for implementing specific goals and tasks in the sustainable development plan assigned by the Board of Management and the Board of Directors. The Functional departments are responsible to the Board of Management and the Board of Directors for the implementation results of assigned objectives and tasks.